The emerging proposal

Supporting good drainage

High quality new homes

New employment space



Local services


Although this site is downstream and therefore not contribute further to the flooding issues in Framlingham, Bellway are looking to produce a robust drainage strategy which considers the existing flooding issues in Fram and looks to provide additional solutions where possible.

Sustainable urban drainage systems will be woven throughout the final design, and could include swales and attenuation basins, that will control surface water run off rates. Extensive planting and green open spaces will also help to support good natural drainage.

The emerging proposal has been carefully designed to complement the local area and take architectural cues from the historic character of Fram. That’s why the emerging design and material palette has been selected to reflect the character of the local area.  

Bellway are seeking to provide a mix of approximately 140 new homes to help meet local housing need in East Suffolk. From a range of one and two bedroom starter homes to larger three and four bedroom houses, Bellway will support first time buyers to get on the housing ladder and provide greater housing choice for local people.

Bellway are also committed to providing affordable homes and the final percentage of affordable housing will be negotiated with East Suffolk Council’s planning and housing departments.

The emerging proposal seeks to deliver 3.7ha of employment space in line with Framlingham’s Adopted Neighbourhood Plan.

At this stage in the planning process, Bellway are seeking to secure planning permission that would allow for a range of potential employment uses such as commercial and business.

This will help keep the opportunities open to attract companies to invest and create new jobs in Fram.

The design process is underpinned by a robust landscaping strategy that seeks to maximise landscape, arboricultural and ecological opportunities to support local wildlife. Tree planting is an important part of this strategy and Bellway’s plan and new hedgerows will help to support good natural drainage.

Diverse natural planting, with wildflowers, will further benefit the local environment and drainage basins will create new habitats.

Overall, a good portion of the site will remain as green space in the form of public open space and sustainable urban drainage features

Bellway’s fabric first approach to building materials means new homes will be energy efficient. All new homes will be built to the latest building regulations too. Bellway are also exploring the use of a range of renewable technologies here, from solar PVs to air source heat pumps and EV charging points.

Bellway will provide proportionate funding to level up local services, from education to libraries and highways. Their commitment to investing in local services will be enshrined through the Section 106 Agreement as part of any planning permission.

The final financial contribution will be negotiated with East Suffolk District Council in consultation with consultees such as the NHS.

Bellway are working closely with the local highways authority to ensure the local highways network can absorb extra demand, if there is any as a result of the development.

Where necessary, Bellway will seek to improve the highways network. Improvements could range from junction upgrades to highways safety measures.