Attend Bellway’s public consultation event

As part of the design process, Bellway would like to receive feedback from the community in Framlingham to help shape the final proposal before a planning application is submitted to East Suffolk District Council later this spring.

During the public consultation period, Bellway would like to hear local views and ideas on certain aspects of the emerging Masterplan, such as the proposal for drainage measures and the character of new homes to landscaping and the delivery of new employment space.

All the information displayed at the public drop-in event will be available to view on this website following the event.

The public exhibition

The details for the public consultation are:

  • Date: Friday 12th April

  • Time: 4pm to 8pm

  • Location: Main Hall, Castle Community Rooms, Church Street, Framlingham, IP13 9BQ


Navigation map. Find us at the Castle Community Rooms on Church Street on Friday 12th April.